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Learn more, think more, be more

Aims and Values

“From a tiny seed… all things are possible”

At Little Plumstead C of E Primary Academy the staff and pupils have taken inspiration from the parable of the mustard seed (Matthew 13:31) in which the smallest of all seeds grows into a fully formed tree, full of life, welcoming to all and outward looking.

At Little Plumstead C of E Primary Academy we believe that every child can succeed and flourish, no matter what their starting point may be, within a nurturing environment which is rooted in the core Christian values of Hope, Trust, Respect and Compassion. Through all that we do we believe that all learners can grow and achieve in order to live life to its fullest, be welcoming to all and be outward looking.Our ambition is that every child, whilst at the school, will be provided with the knowledge, skills and experiences which will enable them to blossom during their time here and be ready for the next stage of their journey.  We work to support every child as they grow emotionally, academically and spiritually and as a school, we serve the children, their families and our community to do this.Our vision is rooted to our school motto:

“Learn More, Think More, Be More.”

At Little Plumstead we create the right nurturing conditions for children to grow and to be open to learning more:

Through fostering positive, caring relationships and a nurturing environment we aim to create a culture with high expectations where children embrace the joy, awe and wonder of learning. We create a supportive environment based on respect, trust, compassion and hope. We celebrate challenge and excellence and reward effort and persistence! We aim to provide the very best social, emotional and mental health support to all our children.

At Little Plumstead we build knowledge so children can think more and remember more:

Through a well sequenced, coherent knowledge based curriculum we aim to activate hard thinking so children remember more. We provide opportunities throughout our curriculum to encourage all our children to celebrate difference and diversity and to be outward looking. We adapt our curriculum and provide specific interventions to meet the needs of all learners.

At Little Plumstead we explore possibilities so we can be more:

We create opportunities for children to meet their God-given potential in many different ways, developing confidence in themselves and celebrating their own uniqueness and self-worth. We encourage each child to ‘dream big’, live life in all its fullness and to use their gifts for the good of others.

Our Values

Deeply embedded in our daily lives are our four Christian school values.

Our values are:


Our Aims

In consultation with our key stakeholders we have developed our school aims. 

We aim to:

  • equip every child with an engaging, broad and balanced curriculum which provides the knowledge, skills and experiences to succeed in the 21st century;
  • deliver a highly aspirational curriculum which provides opportunities for children to explore possibilities for their future with the belief that they can achieve their goals through hard work and determination;
  • provide an appreciation of the local area and community together with an awareness of, and openness towards, the diversity and differences within our country and the world;
  • provide a highly nurturing, safe and supportive environment which empowers every child to learn, grow and flourish whilst showing consideration, respect and compassion for others;
  • provide opportunities for children to engage with high-quality texts across all aspects of the curriculum and develop a rich vocabulary to support their learning of the world;
  • have high expectations of every child and value them as individuals whilst having strong, meaningful links with parents, carers and the local community.


all things arePOSSIBLE