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Friends of Little Plumstead

The main function of our group is to support the school by raising as much money as we can to enhance, enrich and improve learning experiences for the children. We also provide those ‘little extras’ that make school memorable, such as trips for the whole school, books for the school library, play equipment and gardening equipment.

Everyone is welcome to become a ‘Friend’, we are always pleased to see new faces and have new ideas for raising money.  

If you would like to become involved, please contact friendsoflittleplumsteadprimaryschool@gmail.com

Chair - Paul Bassham

Vice Chair - Charlotte Cunningham

Treasurer – Caroline Feavearyear

Co-Secretaries – Shakthi Rajput and Tess Scott

Committee Members – Rebecca Mackay. Mary Palmer, Rachel Fountain, Louise Puinkett, Cathy Saunders, Kate Wilson and Lauren Hall

Model Constitution England And Wales

Code Of Conduct March 2024 


all things arePOSSIBLE