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Our uniform

The children are expected to wear school uniform as follows:

  • Plain white polo shirt
  • Sweatshirt /Sweatcardi – Logo Optional. Items with school logo can be obtained from www.stevensons.co.uk but are not compulsory. A plain navy blue sweatshirt/sweatcardi can be worn instead.
  • Knee length skirt / pinafore dress / smart trousers –  grey / charcoal          
  • Socks – grey or white 
  • Tights – grey
  • Shoes – black

Summer uniform (Summer Term) – pale blue gingham dresses (of any style, home made or bought) or knee-length grey/charcoal shorts / culottes. Sandals (with a closed toe) may be worn.

During the winter months, children will occasionally need a change of shoes or boots although they should always have their smart school shoes with them.

If parents have difficulty in obtaining uniform, they may talk to the Headteacher in confidence.

PE / Games Clothing

Children should come to school in the following PE clothing on their PE days:

  • White, round neck t-shirt
  • Plain navy shorts (above-the-knee length) or jogging bottoms
  • Trainers
  • Navy sweatshirt (no hoodies)

Pupils in KS2 attend swimming lessons in the pool at Thorpe St Andrew School and Sixth Form.  They will require plain black/navy swimming costumes, goggles and a hat for lessons. Parents will be informed in advance of their child’s swimming lessons starting.


School uniform can be bought from www.stevensons.co.uk


all things arePOSSIBLE