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SEND and Inclusion

It is our aim at Little plumstead Primary School that all children, regardless of background, ethnicity or level of need, are supported to THRIVE.

It is our intention that children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported to achieve their potential through access to high quality teaching and appropriately adapted learning activities and approaches.

Our staff are passionate and committed to meeting the needs of all our children and strive to break down any barriers that are preventing children from making the progress they are capable of. At Little Plumstead school we are using the 7 Cs Learning Portfolio to help identify pupil strengths and barriers to learning. The 7 Cs Learning Portfolio provides a language of assessment that we can all use to offer a combination of adjustments, support and intervention to overcome or remove barriers to learning.

Our long term goal is to help equip our children with the knowledge and skills they need to live fulfilling and independent lives, achieving the goals and aspirations that our children set for themselves, with the support of all those around them.

Introduction to SEND

Send Focus

SEND Policy 2024/25

SEND Key Information

SEND Strategies

Norfolk County Council local offer


SEN Support Guidance

7Cs Poster

7Cs Parent Information

Sen Thumbs Up

SEN Visual Code of Practice

SEN Guide for ParentsFive Day PosterGrounding TechniquesProvision Expected SEN Support

SEN Information Report Little Plum.pd


all things arePOSSIBLE