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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3 Class

Our class name for this academic year will be Maple class.

Our PE days are Mon & Weds.

Please can your child come to school in weather appropriate P.E kit where possible as we hope to be outside as much as possible.

Our Library days are Monday – Please make sure that you send any school Library books that need changing on these days as there may not be a possibility at other times.

Pupil Planners should be brought into school on a daily basis, on Mondays Miss Bloss and I will be checking them to see the wonderful and varied literature that you will be sharing at home, on Wednesdays the children will also need them as they contain their log in information.

Year 3 Spring Overview

Year 3 Autumn Overview

Our curriculum overview for Years 1-6 2023-2024

Curriculum Overview Y1 6 2023 2024 3


all things arePOSSIBLE